
Whats the story with stairs these days?

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As many of you are no doubt aware, there has been some recent changes here in QLD in relation to the way new sets of internal stairs need to comply with the Australian anti-slip standards. All other states have already adopted these standards. Basically any new domestic build or new staircase installation is required to meet a R10 slip rating or higher. In talking to a lot of the guys out there I think there has been some confusion as to what the floor sander is required to do to meet these requirements. In a nutshell if the stairs are “NEW” as in have just been installed then you need to finish the stairs in an appropriate anti-slip finish. At this stage if you walk into a job and there is an existing staircase that needs to be re-sanded then you are not required to conform to the same standard. The only possible exception may be where there is a renovation taking place and they require building certifier approval to get the job signed off. I know this may seem rather unusual but if you know the rules you are not going to be up for some lawsuit or the like. It seems a lot of guys are doing all their stair work in these anti-slip finishes just to be on the safe side. If you are still confused or you have some further questions on this please feel free to contact us. The ATFA also has a great article for guidance on Slip-Resistant regulations.

Anti-Slip Coatings and Additives

A lot of the manufactures have now come on board with a product or additive to comply with the new standards. Here is a brief outline of whats available.

Bona Traffic Anti Slip

Bona Traffic Anti Slip has the proven features of Bona Traffic together with the additional benefit of having anti slip properties to meet the R10 standard for slip resistance. Traffic AS is available in a Matt finish and comes in a 5 litre container with hardner.

Intergrain Ultragrip

A slip resistant additive that has been formulated for use in Inertgrain Enviropro, UltraDeck, NaturalStain and DWD. Ultragrip is added to the coating at a rate of 200g per 4 litre

Loba Duo Anti-Slip

A 2 component water borne polyurethane timber finish that delivers excellent performance in either commercial or domestic timber flooring situations. Loba Duo Anti Slip provides a R10 slip rating. Available in 1 or 5 litres.

Whittle Wax Anti-Slip Additive

Solvent-free, Can be applied on interior and exterior timber and stone. Anti-slip protection to reduce slipping on any wood and conforms with the R10 rating for internal stair treads.

Polycure Anti-Slip Additives

Polycure make two additives, one for their waterbased range (Suregrip), and one for their oils and solvent based coatings (Highgrip) When added they meet the applicable R10 rating.

All these products are in stock here at Portugal Cork and if you need the Anti- Slip certificates for a builder, architect etc, than just visit our website and you can download them quite easily from there. Just head to the Anti- Slip Coatings and Additives section and you will find all the products and associated certificates, MSD sheets and product guide manuals.

On the document side of things if ever you do need MSD sheets or Data sheets for any of the products we sell, they are all available for download on our website. You can search for them in the resources section or you will find them alongside the product you are looking for.

In my travels lately it’s been amazing to see the variety of finishes and stains that are going down on timber floors these days. It seems like there are new products coming out every day! As with any market there are many products to suit your customers needs. Although there still remains a large ratio of solvent based polyurethane going out the door, there is an ever growing percentage of the trade who are willing to try something different. All coatings have there pluses and minuses but if there is ever a job or situation you come across where your customers want a certain look or color and your not sure which way to go, by all means give us a call and hopefully we can point you in the right direction.